Instructions for the award:
1. Thank the person who gave it to you - Thank you so much this was definitely a nice little surprise :)
2. List 3 things you love about yourself - hmm, I dont know...I guess I love that I can be creative, outspoken & funny?
3. Pass this award onto 5 other bloggers - Tea cups and bubble baths, I go by Katie, Selective Potential, Eben Lemon, The rabbit-hearted girl
4. Post a picture you love on your blog - lover face and I on NYE (model pose)


This weeks thrift store is Thrift Town in San Leandro
Why (my thoughts)- I love this thrift store. I always find great things here. Housewares, shoes, clothes, movies, books, pictures, picture frames, bric-a-brac, purses, belts, and my favorite crafts, ie. fabric, embroidery hoops, ribbon, yarn, etc.
Yelp.com- yelp reviewers agree with me as far as loving this place. 4 out of 5 stars.
Price range- They have incredible prices, clothes for as low as 99 cents. I have found so many blazers/jackets in mint condition and have never paid more than 5$ for them. Housewares and affordable, VHS 1$, books range from 20 cents to 2$, purses as low as 1.99$, as you can see prices are not an issue here.
Size of store- Large. They even have plenty of room for house furniture, sofas, dressers, TV stands, bed frames, dining tables/chairs. Everything is well organized with still plenty of room to shop around comfortably.
I hope everyone had a great day. We are being hit with a storm right now, so the weather is terrible (well for us Californians). Time for some left over cake from V-day!
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