Sunday, August 8, 2010

Sunday: Thrift Store of the week/fun stuff!

I will get to the thrift store of the week but first I wanted to share with you another fun little thing that will be for sale in my shop in a few days :) I love this little number,

I almost want to keep it for myself and have it in our apartment on our wall of pictures! hah.

Yesterday the lover face and I headed over to one of the better swap meets in SD, although it was fun, in the beginning I was disappointed and discouraged because its not like how I remembered it when I was younger. Things got commercialized selling crap right from stores. Where are all the thrift finds? vintage things? things straight from someones house they no longer want?...well I realized they were ALL the way at the very end in the back of the swap meet! I met this little sweet lady selling all her fancy, pretty jewelry so I snagged a good handful of stuff since everything was so cheap!

I also found my Mexican style leather purse Ive been wanting for some time now. The man tried selling me the purse for 75$...can you believe that?!! at a swap meet, 75$! Well luckily lover face knows how to talk them down because we left with the purse for only 20$...score!

its sooo pretty and I am absolutely in love with it :)

Later that night a really good friend of mine who lives in San Francisco happens to be down here visiting his family so we took him out to dinner. It was so much fun, my parents have met Juan here and there when my parents are up in the bay area and I always have some crazy story to tell my parents about him but last night they really got to sit down and talk with him. They immediately fell in love with him, he is such a great, fun loving guy! And lets just be honest...fucking hilarious too! Never a dull moment with him. So my parents took, me, Juan and lover face out to Dicks Last Resort. If you have never been there look it up! Its an awesome place for drinks, hanging out, good music and good times. Your waiter, or waitress will make you this huge hats that have some sassy, sarcastic joke on them for embarrassment, but its all in good fun.

hahaha, definitely a lot of fun!

and now for the...

Amvets thrift is an awesome place the lover face and I found. We went to several different places here in San Diego and this is by far the best one! We love it! We've been there about 3 times and every time we left with a bunch of good stuff. Movies, laser discs, housewares, pictures, picture frames, books, jewelry, little figurines, and clothes. I got a really cute winter jacket and a red with white trim and button blazer. I also picked up 2 really cute vintage dresses. I will have a photo shoot and post about them later :) Not only can you find awesome things but for cheap too. I love going to thrift stores where dresses are 4 bucks and jackets are 5-7$ Overall this place gets 5 stars!

This weekend is Sand Castle weekend here in Imperial Beach, so every street is packed with people who dont know how to drive and some how think they are going to be able to park close to the beach. It took us about 15 min to drive back home from my grandmas, when this should take roughly around 5 min or less to drive back. YIKES! There was traffic backed up all along the entire street, it was a mess. So I am not driving anywhere else today :)

How is your sunday? What did you do/what are you doing?

I will be back later with my photo shoot post.



  1. I loove those necklaces!!
    I really wish i could make my first sale on Etsy. Lovely shop you have there!

  2. I love that little camper. :)

  3. I <3 all your little finds :)

  4. aw cute!
    sounds like a good weekend! i spent most of mine sleeping, and then today went to pick up my cap and gown for graduation on saturday. really i woujld like to do some crafting but i just havent had the energy!

  5. lovely post, my dear! I have a question for you: okay.. here it goes. When you add all of your buttons on the side.. do you use any special html to make the space in between each button smaller? My spaces are so HUGE! HELP! thanks!!!

    love, polly :D

    p.s. added your button, too :)

  6. Dita Maulani: Thanks :) and for your shop just have patience. People will come. I am just now starting to get more people to come. Be sure you have some featured items, and just keep your shop updated with new things every so often. Good luck, and stop by again soon!

    Anything but Bland: umm im not so sure. I think its the layout you have selected for your blog that automatically does that because I just copy and past the html code in "design layout" and they just appear that way. Sorry couldnt be better help :( Hopefully you figure it out!
