Monday, July 19, 2010

Dont forget...

To enter my GIVEAWAY if you havent already. I will announce the winner tomorrow!!

The past few days I have had the WORST luck ever with finding a bday dress. I was getting so discouraged, its always when you want to find something is when nothing fits, nothing looks good, or there just isnt anything cute to buy! So I thought... after having horrible luck with finding a dress I tried one last time yesterday in Berkeley and lo and behold I found 2 dresses at Sway. One dress is just to wear during the day time because its more casual but the other is this little number

ok so its not over the top how I wanted my dress to be, but it is sooo cute. This picture doesnt do it justice (plus my boyfriend sucks at taking pictures some times, this being one of them) Anyway I am planning on spicing it up with cute accessories and really flashy heels :) overall I am satisfied.

Yesterday the lover and I made some delicious pork tacos and had amazing upside down apple pie with vanilla soy ice cream, mmmmmm. SOOO good. Thank you trader joes!

This morning I was woken up to this

my boyfriend is too sweet making me breakfast before we started off on our journey of thrifting. He was buttering me up for something...I just know it. hah. Thrifting was a success today. We found so much good stuff, Im sure its stuff we dont need, but either way our findings were scores.

Got a couple of clutches one really grandma-ish floral one (can never get enough floral prints) and the other a total 80's patent black leather one. Also got some things for the kitchen, a few 70's style glasses, small mint green saucers, and a cafeteria tray. For some reason I am really digging them lately. They are just so handy not only if you are eating on them, but also for crafts like beading...or sewing! Keeps things organized! I scored on a really cute side table too for only 5$ and I picked up a couple of granny sweaters, haha. No but really, I love them and they were just so cheap!

I started working on my bday banner, almost finished just have to attach them to ribbon.

I went to buy a couple of party decorations for the house, didnt buy too much just some cute colored plates, napkins, table cloth, some confetti, and this really cool garland. Since I couldnt make up my mind for having either cupcakes or just a cake for my bday my roomie and I decided to bake both! Can never get enough of cake, right?!

**Side note:
so my boyfriend and I have been watching Tosh.0 for the past 2 hours and it is so funny. Does anyone else know what show I am talking about?? This is my first time watching it, I havent heard of it before tonight but basically this guy finds videos online and just makes fun of them all. haha. Some of them are just sad but for the most part they are hilarious.

I have so many things to do before next week, I need to pack everything I want to take back home (I am going back home to SD for 3 1/2 weeks), I need to clean and organize my room, I hate leaving and coming back to a dirty room. I REALLY need to do laundry. I need pay my ticket :( before the 26th annnnd I need to buy heels and get everything ready for my bday of course!! Phew going to be busy.

as for tonight, finish my banner, and possibly go see Despicable Me everyone who has seen it says that they loved it.

here is a time lapse video the lover made of our drive today. Enjoy :)

Video made by: Genzl Favor
Music made by: Genzl Favor

How was your weekend? Anyone go thrifting...if so what were your finds??
